22 April 2010

I did it I did it I did it

I've finally done it! Yesterday I went with Bex to get it done on our dinner break. It took us ages to find the shop because it's been moved. First we asked in the nail and beauty shop. The chinese woman who I asked didn't look impressed and just said "Down there" ... not very helpful. Then we went into the Tapas Bar to ask where the shop was, we soon found it after than which was only a few doors down.

The shop looked professional so I had no worries about getting it done their. I asked the lady at the desk how long it would take to heal and how much it would cost. It would cost £21 for the ring and £25 for the stud. I decided to go for the stud because I really don't like the look of the ring, it looks hardcorrreeeee, and i'm far from it! She also said it would take about 6 weeks to heal! Thats quite good. I read on the internet that it could take up to 3 - 6 months, and I was worried that it might not of healed in time for my holiday and then get infected. Another girl at college who has the same place done said her's only took 3 weeks :)

Bex had to wait outside while I got it done. The lady gave me a form to fill out before I went through. I decided to put down that I was 18, just in case ;) .... The room was really small and I felt quite calm about getting it done. I chose a small pink stone to be put in. When it's healed I want just a plain silver diomante, but this will have to do for now. The bar on this one is also a little annoying because its longer, they put a longer one in for the swelling.

I sat down and srunched up my eyes really tight. She told me that it took a while to set the equipment up, but I still kept my eyes closed. Then BAM next thing I felt something a little painful, but not that bad. I said "Have you done anything yet?!" and she said it was all done...... haha I was sooo happy. I came out of the room with a massive grin on my face.

Me and Bex were half an hour late for the next lesson at college, but we quessed that because it was Dianne we were sweeeet. She was a little angry that we were so late but when Bex mentioned I got a piercing she forgot all of that and was straight over to have a good look. Eveyone in the class were asking me questions and wanted to see. Dianne put on the register that we had missed the bus, awwww how nice?

Today Bex got the top part of her ear done. It was quite red after it was done, but it looks really nice. She also said that it didnt hurt. She wants to get her belly button done next. eee well my piercing antics are deffinately over. The tragus is the only one i wanted done, and it looks small, cute and girly.

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